
- Monday Feb. 3 — Power outage begins around noon
- Basement starts to take on water (no electricity, no sump pump)
(Some fool ran drainage from somewhere outdoors into the sump pump pit— which accelerates basement flooding when it’s storming and the power goes out!) - Snow piles up…Tree falls …Miracle happens around 2:00.
- Power is restored around 5:00
- The basement is okay. Water overflowed the sump pit, but not too much. It drained quickly when the power resumed.
- Wednesday – Cold temperatures inhibit melting – storms aren’t over
- Saturday, Feb 8 – I venture out to look at my vintage patio table, formerly under the car canopy. ANOTHER MIRACLE—described below
- Thursday, Feb 13 – Finally, temperatures are rising and rain is coming
- Sat Feb 15 – Snow is just about gone; the tree crew came and the tree is gone and my old, old butterfly bushes are decimated. (photos below)

Yet another miracle
Today’s Saturday, February 8, and although the tree fell down on Monday and the canopy on Tuesday, I haven’t ventured out to see the damage until today.
I had backed my car out Monday night when snow got really thick and deep and I couldn’t remove it from the canopy. I think we had about 6 inches in one day basically all day and into the night. The canopy was sagging under the weight of the heavy, wet snow. The next morning, Tuesday, I went out there and was looking at it and I just did a little touch to see how much weight was on the canopy leg then I turned my back for a minute or so and it fell.
My vintage patio table and chairs had been under the canopy and I had prayed that they would be OK under there, even if it fell. Well, the canopy did fall but it missed the table. There was white paint on the edge of the table frame in two places where the metal supports scraped it and now the fallen canopy is sitting 2 inches away from the edge of the table. It’s amazing! 🙌

Butterfly bushes—old and brittle, and the fence, too